The Latin phrases “Iubilaeum A.D. MMXXV,” (Jubilee 2025) and “Peregrinantes in spem,” (Pilgrims of Hope)
A Jubilee Year is a significant moment in the life of the Church in which she celebrates the year of messianic favor inaugurated by Christ through his Incarnation and Paschal Mystery. Proclaimed every 25 years since the 13th century, the celebration of jubilee years typically include pilgrimages, processions, celebrations of Mass, and an invitation to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. These liturgical celebrations are opportunities to receive the Lord’s mercy, especially through the practice of the Jubilee indulgence, and lead to the performance of works of mercy. Throughout the Jubilee Year, there will be celebrations for different groups, for example, workers, youth, artists, persons with disabilities, catechists, etc. The theme for this Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope, and the Bull suggests several ways to bring Christ and his message of hope to the world.
In 1300, Pope Boniface VIII called the first Jubilee, also known as a “Holy Year,” since it is a time in which God's holiness transforms us. The frequency of Holy Years has changed over time: at first, they were celebrated every 100 years; later, in 1343 Pope Clement VI reduced the gap between Jubilees to every 50 years, and in 1470 Pope Paul II made it every 25 years. There have also been “extraordinary” Holy Years: for example, in 1933 Pope Pius XI chose to commemorate the 1900th anniversary of the Redemption, and in 2015 Pope Francis proclaimed the Year of Mercy as an extraordinary jubilee. The way in which Jubilee Years are marked has also changed through the centuries: originally the Holy Year consisted of a pilgrimage to the Roman Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul, later other signs were added, such as the Holy Door. By participating in the Holy Year, one may be granted a plenary indulgence.
The Jubilee Year is underway. It is a time of pilgrimage and grace, and although much of the spotlight and attention will be on the Eternal City, the faithful will have many opportunities to embark on their own unique spiritual journeys.
One of the greatest opportunities available to all the faithful during a Jubilee is the possibility of obtaining a plenary indulgence, a grace granted by the Catholic Church through the merits of Jesus Christ to remove the temporal punishment due to sin. Such an indulgence, which applies to sins already forgiven, cleanses the soul as if the person had just been baptized. Plenary indulgences obtained during the Jubilee Year can also be applied to souls in purgatory with the possibility of obtaining two plenary indulgences for the deceased in one day, according to the Apostolic Penitentiary.